Diageo targeting blind people – Baileys 20% alcohol with artificial sweeteners #alcoholad #alcoholaware


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  • Did the sound of our S’mores Dessert Board perk your ears?

    This is just a little taste of how blind and partially sighted people will experience our treats using Screen Readers and [Image Descriptions].

    Writing delicious [Image Descriptions] and tasty Alt Text is how you create an accessible, ears-first experience. On Instagram, these [Image Descriptions] are found in the post copy, indicated with square brackets, and we think you can fit much more deliciousness between them.

    For Global Accessibility Awareness Day, #GAAD and every day after that, all of our Baileys treats will be written with delicious [Image Descriptions] and Alt Text, bringing more deliciousness to more people. After all, treating is for everyone. #DeliciousDescriptions

    [Image Description] A layered and indulgent treat sits on a rustic table. It’s a s’mores marshmallow dessert board.

    Rich chocolate ganache ripples below a layer of melted and caramelised marshmallow that’s been made oh, smore tasty by mixing in Baileys. The gooey wavy treat is surrounded by biscuits and brilliant red cherries and raspberries, ready to be dipped into the sea of tastiness. Dive in!1d

Daria Cavalli – Ciroc 40% alcohol. #diageo

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“I have loved my experience at Diageo so far, the culture is incredible, and the people make each day so fun and energising. Working on Cîroc really allows you to challenge conventions, disrupt categories and inspire consumers in different ways to other brands.” Daria Cavalli, Cîroc Senior Brand Manager.

Hear more from Daria as she discusses launching #Cîroc Summer Citrus and her role as Cîroc Senior Brand Manager – diageo.com/careers

Drink responsibly. DRINKiQ.com

#CharacterIsEverything #innovation2d