Benefits of being alcohol free

There are multiple benefits to being alcohol free, new ones emerge every day

Below is my top ten:

1. HEALTH, both physical and mental, my brain is free from alcohol attack  and insides are cleaned up dramatically

2. WEALTH,  savings of 20,000 euros in cash at least, over two and a half years

3. WEIGHT, ugly fold of flesh around the middle is gone

4. FOOD, more fruit and vegetables, less red meat, chicken with garlic and ginger – yummy

5. KNOWLEDGE, genned up on the effects of alcohol, terribly toxic, no going back now

6. RESPECT, for oneself, from those around you, no more  disrespect to others while drunk

7. TIME, precious, more of it, to do all sorts of things

8. LESS GLOOMY, alcohol can be very depressing

9. NO MORE EXCUSES, eg, worked hard today,  so have to reward self with a few pints

10. NOT DEPENDENT,  was constantly on the look out  for the next drinking opportunity

Hence, alcohol is a waste of health, a waste of money, a waste of time, a waste of life

Is there a safe limit?

Alcohol is a toxin that kills cells such as microorganisms, which is why we use it to preserve food and sterilise skin, needles etc. Alcohol kills humans too. A dose only four times as high as the amount that would make blood levels exceed drink-driving limits in the UK can kill. The toxicity of alcohol is worsened because in order for it to be cleared from the body it has to be metabolised to acetaldehyde, an even more toxic substance. Any food or drink contaminated with the amount of acetaldehyde that a unit of alcohol produces would be immediately banned as having an unacceptable health risk

There is no such thing as a safe level of alcohol consumption. The idea that drinking small amounts of alcohol will do you no harm is a myth

Professor David Nutt/

The combination of  alcohol/acetaldehyde and calories/sugar is a potent double threat to human health that most drinkers are unaware of.

The dark..

If you’re a farmer it’s a different story

Its  dark, wet, cold. The animals are always hungry. It’s a long time to the spring when stuff gets growing again

You never know what’s around the corner, just when you think you’re on top, something or someone is there  to knock you down

The pub could be miles away, but its the only respite. At least you can meet and chat and share.

For a few hours anyway, you’re not on your own

Its late by the time you get there, so much to be done. You have a pint, its well deserved

Whiskey too for the night that’s in it.

Trouble is 40% alcohol is just that, trouble

Alcohol is not a happy drug. If you’re feeling down it drags you deeper

Alcohol is highly toxic, it kills cells, so your health suffers

If anything happens to you, who’s going to look after the animals, the dog?

Who’s going to look after you?

This can be the blackest, bleakest time of year!

Where are you?

This can be a bleak time of year. For the guys it’s a blur

The pub, office parties. Even if he’s on his own a guy can go into a pub

Chat, enjoy the craic, the cheer. You’re a great fella, so are you, we’re all great fellas

For a woman its different. If she’s on her own, she can’t go into a pub

If she’s married, has kids, can’t go out. Has to be there, feed them

Make sure they have a good Christmas

He is out drinking, where? with who? No straight answer

Sullen indifference

Wish my mom was here, why can’t I go back

Where is he? The one I really want to be with, was happiest with

Have a glass of wine, or two, why not?  everyone else is

Where are you now? Why am I here?

This can be the blackest, bleakest time of year..

Party time..

West Coast Cooler, December 13

Colorful, trendy, cheery,  this poster is right on the button for party time.

“Wearing these heels feels like being in love or walking on a plug”

West Coast Cooler are targeting young females obviously, selling alcohol

Only there’s no mention of alcohol anywhere on the advert

Drinking can get you drunk, out of control.

Or like the young lady on the poster….flat on your back

Watch out!